
Jennifer, Ronald, Simon and Iris currently live in Berkeley, CA, USA.

December 28, 2015
From Jenn:
Another year is almost over and I’ve hardly written any posts. Mostly I’ve been posting pictures on Instagram and Facebook so hope you have been able to access those photos on those sites. We are currently living in Berkeley, CA and Simon is 5 and Iris is 2 years old. How time has flown by! Drop us a line if you’re ever in town or just to let us know how you are doing. You can reach us both at jenniferandronald at gmail.com

Hope to hear from you soon!

July 26, 2013
From Jenn:
It’s almost been six years since I started this blog and although the goal is the same (sharing our experiences), the content has focused more recently on our children. When Simon was born, I wanted to blog everyday but as he grew older, things got busier and I took a break. I still took photos of him everyday but just didn’t post about it.

Iris was born this past May, which encouraged me to start blogging again. My wish is to record them growing up so that they may one day be able to create their own book of their childhood.

You may notice I write multiple days in one post so as to document a daily picture (at least one picture) of each of them. It makes some posts long but I just don’t have enough energy to post daily. Two are better than one but also more exhausting.

I hope you still enjoy reading so please let me know you are, by commenting or liking on FB!

Happy exploring!

March 11, 2010
From Jenn:
This blog was started when we lived in Singapore from August 2007 to August 2008. We continued the blog when we returned to the San Francisco Bay Area as we enjoyed sharing our experiences with our friends and family. We enjoy eating out and exploring our wonderful city. I also enjoy baking and crafting so will share recipes and completed projects.

We welcomed our son, Simon, on March 2, 2010 so there will definitely be many posts about him. He’s so cute!

Thanks for visiting our blog! Leave a comment if there is something you like (or something you don’t like).

Happy reading!

5 thoughts on “About

  1. Zach

    Hi Jennifer and Ronald, chanced upon your site when I was searching for information on the Werfen Ice Caves. I have some questions to ask you guys, hope to hear from yall soon!

  2. Jenn T.

    Hi Zach, what are your questions? Not sure if I can help since it’s been a while since our trip but I will try. Thanks for dropping by our blog!

  3. Zach

    Hi, thanks for the reply! and yeah I realised it’s been 2 years already. Anyway,I just wanted to ask if you guys went for the packaged tour for Werfen or took a train down to Werfen from Salzburg yourself and bought tickets into the caves? I was browsing through online and all the packaged tours are priced at 34 Euros exclusive of the caves entrance, but they do pick you up in Salzburg. We would like to save unnecessary costs as much as possible cus we’re still students haha

  4. Ron

    Zach, since we had a Eurorail pass, we simply took a train from Salzburg ourselves. It’s not too bad a ride. Once we got there, we had to find the parking lot for the Ice Caves. It’s a little bit confusing to find the parking lot, but maybe we were just stupid. Then you basically wait until a bus comes to drive you up and down the hill. Once at the “admission gates”, you pay and then there is a sizeable hike up the hill to get to the ice cave. It’ll take maybe 30 minutes walking uphill. Once up there, it’s a great experience. Wear comfortable hiking shoes. It’s a gravel trail, well kept, but still a trek.

  5. Zach

    Hey Ron, the parking lot is just where the bus picks passengers up right? What is the cost for the bus ride? And as for the cave entrance, is there a need to pre-book or can I just get it on the day itself?

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