
Day 312 = January 8, 2011

Simon was too eager to get to his books that he didn’t want to get dressed (don’t worry, it’s very toasty in our apartment so he’s not cold).

Simon’s future Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle costume.

Simon came with me for a coffee run this morning and we came across the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile.

We went to Gymboree for the first time in a month and Simon did not have a good time. He only napped about 40 minutes before the class so was probably still tired. He didn’t want to do anything at the class except hold two balls in his hand and have me walk around with him. If I tried to put him down or do any of the activities, he would cry and fuss. It’s been hard lately to get him to sleep longer before the class so I hope we can move him to the higher level course since he is older now and it is an hour later. So since Simon didn’t have a good time, we just spent a quiet afternoon together. He had a very stimulating week at daycare too so didn’t sleep well all week so probably just needed this quiet day.

After some rest, he was a much happier baby. Now he’s ready to entertain you.

He had a good time playing peekaboo with me behind a blanket on his baby gate.

Peekaboo Part 2.

He his now more interactive with this toys which includes this one that uses air to blow the balls up and out of the toy. Simon tries to grab the balls that are coming out and also replaces them into the toy.

We hadn’t seen Grandma and Grandpa Chung in a while since they were sick and so was Simon so we went for a visit to have dinner. On our way this evening.

Simon is juggling THREE orange tangerines… it’s amazing!! Actually it’s an illusion… one of those tangerines is Elmo’s nose on his bib… haha..

After dinner, Simon ended up wanting to go to sleep early. Since he was asleep, Ron and I went to see a movie! We went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. It was the first movie we’ve gone out to see together since we went to see Iron Man 2 when Simon was about 3 months old. The movie is a cliffhanger, I’m looking forward to Part 2. I think I may need to read the book one more time. Simon must have sensed we were coming home from the movie because he woke up about 10 minutes before we got back. We packed him and his stuff up into the car and he fell back asleep soon after.

Once we got home, I unbuckled him and he continued to sleep as I carried him from the car to home. He must be super exhausted since he didn’t even wake up when we changed his diaper and put him in bed.

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