Hello Kitty Belly

Just a few more weeks until we’ll see Baby Boy Chung in person and no, we still haven’t settled on a name. I guess I haven’t really been updating on how the pregnancy is going so I thought I’d make a brief post.

So far I’ve gained about 25 lbs, less than 2 lbs since I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I worried a bit about that but my provider says that the baby is still a good size and growing. I was doing really good with the diet for controlling my post-meal glucose levels but no matter what I did, my fasting blood glucose in the morning just wouldn’t stay under 95. So a few weeks ago I started on a small 1.25mg dose of glyburide every night before bedtime. So far, so good. The good thing about starting medication is that I get to see our baby twice a week. I have to go to have “non stress tests” twice a week which involves a sonogram to check amniotic fluid levels and then have a separate monitoring session to check the baby’s movement and if I’m having contractions. So I had the opportunity to see him again last week and will see him twice a week until he’s really to come out.

Ron and I went to an all day childbirth preparation class which was very informative and made us a bit more comfortable. I’m sure the actual day will still be very intense but at least we have more of an idea of what to expect.

Our lovely friends planned a surprise baby shower for us a few weeks ago where a great time was had by all and we received some lovely gifts. I’ll have to post some pictures soon. Thank you to our friends who planned the party and those who attended.

Now just to share a picture that was taken last week while I was at work, my co-workers really liked my top (and so do I!) which I bought at H&M (and it is NOT maternity wear so I can wear it afterwards too!). I know he’s a boy but I still like Hello Kitty!

Oh, and a great book I finished reading this week: Baby Owner’s Manual, which we got as a baby shower gift. It’s an easy read and fun plus actually is full of good information. Ron read it first and he really enjoyed it as it really did read like an instruction manual.

Well, that’s all folks (for now)…

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