Simon Day 13 – 2 week check-up (9 lbs, 14 oz!)

Simon seemed to have a rough evening yesterday. He was probably over stimulated with all the visitors. When he was awake, he would start crying even though he was already fed and had his diaper changed. Rocking him in a dark room was what finally calmed him down so that he could go back to sleep. He slept well after midnight and early morning so at least Ron and I were able to get some rest. It’s the worst feeling when your baby is crying and you’re not sure what else you can do to help him. I’m just glad that he wasn’t sick or anything, just had too much energy that he needed to cry out.

This afternoon, Simon had his second check-up. We met his pediatrician, Dr. Wong, for the first time since last week we had a doctor who was just covering. Simon weighed in at 9 lbs and 14 ounces! I was a bit shocked, that means he has gained 1 lb and 2 oz since his first check-up last Monday, only 7 days ago. He really has been eating well. Dr. Wong says the usual weight gain is 1 oz per day so he’s an overachiever. Dr. Wong was great in answering all our questions and very detailed in the information she gave us. Simon did not need any vaccinations this visit but she explained which ones he would get at his 2 month check-up. The office also gave us a packet of all the Vaccine Information Sheets (VIS) for all the vaccines he would eventually get. Everything was very organized. I was very impressed.

We dressed Simon in a bright green T-shirt that Kaiser Redwood City gave us along with a diaper bag. Since it was only a T-shirt, Ron put on a pair of orange shorts on Simon. These are Ron’s favorite colors: green and orange. Simon was sleeping before we left for the appointment so we just put him in the car seat and he continued to sleep.

Close-up of the shirt:

Once we got home, since the weather was so nice, we decided to take a short walk and have a snack. We ended up on Lori’s Diner on Sutter St at Powell St. and ordered milkshakes. I ordered an Oreo Cookie shake and Ron had the Orange Dream. It’s been a while since I’ve had a milkshake, it was yummy but couldn’t drink it all, it was too cold!

Simon was good during the outing but his eating schedule got off schedule so was a bit cranky when we finally arrived home. He needed a diaper change and needed to be fed then he was quietly alert for about 30 minutes before wanting to feed again and finally soothed to sleep for a while.

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