Better Day

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Little girl is getting good at grabbing things. Now she can more consistently pull on the toy frog to play the music on her bouncy chair.

Today was a better day overall, happier with some smiles.

At drop off to school this morning, Simon cried but didn’t try to hang on my leg and instead held the teacher’s hand and waved goodbye to me with tears. So much improved that when he would scream and try to run. He said he had lots of fun today with making a hat, putting together a book, and drawing.

Iris chewing on a hand that’s not her own!

Today we finally had our cable TV and Internet setup. Simon was happy to watch a little television and I was happy to take a little nap while he watched before bedtime. Iris turned in early tonight but I hope this doesn’t mean she will wake up too early. I’ve been packing Simon’s lunches in the morning so need those 30 minutes that Iris usually sleeps to finish that up. His lunches have consisted of not so exciting stuff/leftovers so I haven’t been taking pictures to share. The kitchen is still a bit of a mess but I hope we can spend some time organizing this weekend.

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