Biggie Pooh

On my last day of work, I had a very BIG surprise from my coworker. He’s been warning me all month that I’d better have Ron come to pick me up on my last day because I couldn’t ride the bus home with what he was going to bring me. In the last few days I’ve been wondering what in the world it could be.

Well, here it is:

It’s called a Biggie Pooh! and boy, is it big! The baby will probably only be the size of Pooh’s paw. It’ll make for a very cute picture once baby can sit up. Until then, I have no idea where we are going to store it… it’s so huge!

Thanks Herb! It’s a really sweet gift.

Now the countdown begins… today is my first day off of work and I am enjoying relaxing at home and finally updating our blog. I have a few things planned for the next few days but I just really want to relax a bit before the baby decides to show himself as after he is born, I’m sure I won’t have much time to rest so want to energize myself now so that I can take good care of him.

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