June 22 – 25, 2011
Funny napping position.
Loving watermelon again, he seems to be teething so the cold watermelon is soothing.
Arms open to give mommy a hug.
All of us getting dizzy by spinning.
We refinished our deck so that it would be safe for Simon to run around and not get splinters. The wood was either sanded or replaced then stained. The first time Simon went outside to the backyard, he grabbed one of the posts and got some splinters in his hand. Now, no problem and he can point and touch all he wants. For some reason, he decides to ask Ron what everything is called. “je ge?” means “this?”
This is what Simon does when you ask him to SMILE!
Simon is practicing taking steps down.
Simon and Daddy went to Target and did some exercise. Daddy lets his strengthen his muscles with some weights.
Simon enjoying his first cherries.
Today I was busy baking in the morning but needed a few ingredients so Simon and Ron went shopping and Simon insisted on carrying the basket.
Later on that afternoon visiting Grandpa Chung, squishing himself into a bar stool.
We enjoyed a BBQ at my coworkers house. This was Simon’s “babysitter” who kept an eye on him for us.
That is, until Simon had a bout of projectile vomiting. He had been having diarrhea all day and vomited a little bit in the car. We thought it might have been due to too many cherries so we were trying to limit his food and milk intake. But Simon insisted on having milk and wouldn’t drink anything else so we kept on letting him have milk. He also ate a small amount of bread, apples, and grapes. Suddenly Simon started crying and holding onto my leg so I picked him up and his stomach felt tight… then he coughed and vomited all over the ground. Luckily we were all done eating dinner but I’m sure it still grossed out everyone. Our host was very gracious though and hosed down his patio and let us use their bathroom to give Simon a quick shower. We had to leave after that and missed dessert. We hope that Simon is okay and his stomach problem will pass.