Go Bears!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Lucky onesie 🙂

Iris looked too much like a little baby boy so I put on some pink little shoes (from Grandma Chung).

We went to lunch in Berkeley with a friend visiting from Japan. Since there was a football game today, I pulled out Simon’s old onesie to show some school spirit! Here is a side by side of Simon and Iris.

Go Bears!


For lunch, we tried a place called La Mission in West Berkeley. They have their own parking lot, wasn’t crazy busy, and food was good overall. The best thing was their mole burrito. We tried it with the spicy mole but I think next time I want the sweeter one. Here is the filling:

We also had enchiladas. Ron said he really liked the steak.

Tostada salad.

Fish taco.

Horchata. Love this drink!

Chips with ceviche. I think they cook the seafood in their ceviche so this wasn’t really to my liking.

Simon loved the chips of course.

Then we went to Philz and ordered the mint mojito coffee and Simon had a delicious chocolate chip cookie.

Although he was too excited and forgot to share with us.

It was a beautiful day in Berkeley.

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