Home Sweet Home

So Ron cooked his first meal in our new home: vegetarian chicken (made from soy) Japanese curry, fried Chinese sausage, and green veggies (that we don’t know the name of). Of course served with white rice.

To give you a taste of what our apartment looks like, I thought I’d share some photos. You’ll have to come visit us to see the real thing!

After entering the front door, the dining room:

The living room:

The little kitchen to the left after entering the apartment:

The laundry room with washing machine included. This room is open to the air though, there’s no glass in the windows. The room is located behind the kitchen:

The “maid’s” bathroom complete with toilet, sink, and shower! It’s located in the same room as the laundry room.

There’s also a storage room for all our luggage cases!

This is the view from out living room window. Directly below us are the tennis courts, we do hear the hitting of balls in the morning. To our right is a new construction, more apartments, and they work 7 days a week!

The hallway to the master bedroom. On the right there are 2 bedrooms with a large hallway closet for storing supplies. At the end of the hall to the left is a bathroom with shower, toilet, and sink.

This is our master bedroom:

Here’s our luxurious master bathroom, complete with separate tub and shower:

We’re getting used to drying our laundry by clothesline…

When the laundry is not obstructing our windows, here’s the view of Singapore from our room:

It’s been a not too exciting few days. I headed to Orchard on Monday in the pouring rain and picked up a couple pairs of shoes and lots of walking. I’ll talk more about the shopping in a later post.

Ron’s been busy going to class and attending presentations. I even went to class today at NUS to listen in on their pharmacy students case conference. I’m going to visit practice sites next week with the head of the dept and Joyce.

1 thought on “Home Sweet Home

  1. Karla

    Cute place! Jenn, I love your haircut. Thanks for inviting me to the blog. Favorite story so far: OTC constipation story!
    Take care,karla

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