Ziggy and Gabby

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Breakfast time. Iris loves yogurt. 


Simon trying out hula hooping. 



Caught in the act of pulling off her socks. 


 The kiddos precious plushies Gabby and Ziggy aka bǎobèi  寶貝.


Strike a pose!


Our little blue bear. 



Those Eyes

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

“Ma ma, bao bao!” (Mommy, carry me!)


Annie drew an umbrella and Iris made her version to the right in orange colored marker. 


Love this face!


And love this face! Those eyes…


Volunteer Work at School

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Iris eating cereal with milk for the first time. She is mimicking many things we do and say lately. I had cereal with milk so she wanted it too. 

She wore this hairband and when I said “hairband”, she said “hair-ban”. 

Today I volunteered at Simon’s school to help clean tables. Simon skipped his outdoor playtime to help me. 

He was excited to home a bit early as I picked him up right after his enrichment class which ended before 5pm. Most days I get to school right before 6pm. He seemed a bit tired so it’s probably a good thing we left early so that he could relax at home and fully recover from his cold. 

The Doctor Is In

Monday, March 16, 2015

Simon stayed home from school again since he woke up in the morning coughing a lot. He spent the day relaxing and drawing. His cough is virtually gone and he seems more energetic. 

We have our own in-house doctor as Iris has gotten into the doctor play kit. I showed how to pretend to pour vitamins out of this pretend bottle and hand them to the “patient” and she copied me so tried to pour me some vitamins. 

Both kids loved playing with the tongs/forceps by clamping onto things or opening and closing. Good practice for lever chopsticks. 

Simon ready for a good night’s rest for school tomorrow!

Breakfast at IHOP

Sunday, March 15, 2015

We are all finally feeling a bit more normal. Lingering cough but not so terrible. Ron thought it a good idea to take the kids in their PJs (and jackets) to IHOP for breakfast. Iris hasn’t had much of an appetite at home so thought a change of scenery might help. 

She ate a bit of eggs, a bit of pancake, a bit of whipped cream, and drank some milk. A bit of a fail with eating but she was super happy to be out and about. 

Since everyone had more energy today, Ron decided to do some work on the house so we went to Home Depot. Simon helped to move some 2 x 4s to the cart. 

While Ron was doing work, I took it easy with the kids. Iris played with playdoh for the first time and loved it!

Then played dress up. What would you call this look with beanie and pink pearls?

Then we played with the tunnel and a tent. Both kids were screaming with laughter that they couldn’t play too long since they were getting over stimulated and fighting with each other (plus both were probably a little tired).

We ordered in Chinese food delivery and Iris got to use her chopsticks successfully for the first time.

She only ate rice, which is pretty hard to pick up, but eating something is better than nothing. 

Hope to feel back to normal after a good night’s rest!