Pazzia Restaurant and Pizzeria

March 25, 2011

We had dinner with Susan and Ken at Pazzia Restaurant and Pizzeria. The restaurant is small and a bit noisy for kids but pretty accommodating. They brought a baby seat for Simon and made sure it was very secure for him. There is a sister restaurant in Florence, Italy and the owner and wait staff seemed to be all Italian. We shared a pizza as an appetizer.

Simon enjoyed some pizza crust with cheese and sauce.

They ran out of their mussels so instead they substituted clams in a white wine sauce.

Ron had their special tortellini stuffed with salmon.

I had their seafood risotto. The shrimp were fresh and delicious.

Simon fell asleep for a short while.

But after a short cat nap, Simon was all refreshed.

We had tiramisu for dessert. Get this, very yummy.

Lemon marscapone cake with white chocolate. Sounded better than it tasted. The white chocolate was a bit too much and too hard.

Ken is preparing to be a dad by looking through Simon’s hair for lice… just kidding! Simon enjoyed playing peekaboo with Ken so let him hold him afterward.

My little Superman. This shirt was a gift when Simon was a newborn, it still amazes me it fits now.

Today I read this great book that Uncle Henry made for Simon.

Henry picked a picture of Simon and made this project with Shutterfly where they insert Simon’s face throughout the book. It’s pretty funny but also pretty cool.

I hope to be able to read it to him soon and for him to understand it.

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