Ping Pong Playa, Philz Coffee, and Golden Star Vietnamese

We went to see this totally hilarious movie called “Ping Pong Playa”. It is playing at the Sony Metreon. The movie pokes fun about some part of Chinese culture and it’s a bit corny, but very funny. The actors tried to speak “Chinglish” and although it was a bit forced, it was still pretty hilarious. I’d recommend checking it out, but maybe when it’s available on DVD.

Afterwards we went to this fantastic coffee place near AT&T Park/SoMa called Philz Coffee. They blend their own coffee beans and they grind the coffee to order. I love dark roasted coffees and their “Ether” blend is a dream. The barista added the milk and sugar to the coffee as well and it was the perfect amount. I could have had another cup but I want to sleep tonight! It’s strong stuff! I hope I can visit there again… or if I can’t, apparently you can purchase their coffee beans online and have them delivered. I think Peet’s may lose my business soon…

We skipped lunch so we went to have early dinner at Golden Star Vietnamese nearby Chinatown. I had a noodle soup that I haven’t had for a long time: Bun bo Hue. I always know of it as a spicy beef, pork blood, noodle soup. I know pork blood sounds gross but it’s really good in the soup. This version wasn’t spicy enough for me though. When I was living in Stockton, there’s one Vietnamese place that makes it so spicy that you cry while eating, just the way I like it! I can’t believe I’m going to say that I want to go back to Stockton… but that place also has really good lemon grass chicken, too bad I can’t remember the name of the restaurant…

From 09-07-2008 Golden Star Vietnamese
From 09-07-2008 Golden Star Vietnamese

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