
This morning we took the train into Salzburg. On the train we had coffee, a sausage, and duram (kebab wrap) as our brunch. We tried to sit in the business class section of the train, only to find out it costs 15 Euros more so we moved to the 1st class section (as allowed by our Eurail pass).

We arrived in Salzburg around 2pm and walked to our hotel across the bridge. It’s called Strawberry Youth Hostel and is a converted dorm. It even still has the furniture of dorms but each room has a bathroom and shower. The carpet is old and worn and towels aren’t included but it’s quite spacious and pretty cheap.

After we checked in, we headed out to visit Mozart Geberthaus (birthplace). We saw momentos of his childhood and learned more about his upbringing as a child prodigy. We tried the famous Mozartkugel (by Mirabell) and weren’t all that impressed with the taste.

We went to Cafe Furst for the original Mozartkugel, some coffee, and cake. This Mozartkugel had a bit more pistachio flavor. The coffee is really good in Europe. I had something called Melange (milk with coffee) and Ron had the Eiskaffe (coffee with ice cream).

After our snack, we walked around town a bit more before heading to the church for another concert, this time Mozart’s last composition, Requiem. It really is a powerful piece.

After a bit of culture, it was time for some good eats. We walked to the Augustiner Brewery, a former monastery and now a brewhouse and beer garden. The beers are huge and cheap! Only 5 Euros for 1L. I had something called a “radler” which is beer mixed with fruit drink of your choice (I chose lemonade) and this was only 4.5 Euros. They have different stalls of foods: ribs, sausage, fries, scapbi, corn, meat loaf… we were stuffed! We had to roll ourselves back to the hotel.

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