Simon Day 4 – Discharge to home

Finally the green light to go home! Simon’s bilirubin is on the way down and he’s starting to gain weight again. After lunch and some discharge instructions, we were free to go. We got him dressed in his UC Berkeley onesie (from Uncle Henry):

Although this sweatshirt didn’t really work out since it was too thick for him to fit into the car seat easily. But isn’t it so cute?!

Ron’s parents came to pick up all our stuff and drive it back to San Francisco while we brought home Simon. I carried Simon in my arms and a nurse wheeled me down in a wheelchair.

All buckled in and ready to head home!

Thank you Kaiser Redwood City!

Welcome home Simon! He did great and slept all the way home.

Misu checking out Simon on my lap. He doesn’t seem that curious about Simon himself but is probably wondering why there’s someone on my lap instead of him.

I love watching him sleep.

It’s great to be home. Now it’s really a home with our little family.

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