Simon Day 9- Visit with Tiffany and Alex on Irving Street

Our friends Tiffany and Alex are visiting from Lancaster and wanted to meet Simon. We got Simon all dressed up in another of his CAL onesies (thanks Uncle Henry).

We fed Simon before heading out to meet them for lunch at San Tung. He was konked out.

Simon got his first whiff of San Tung’s dry fried chicken. Yum Yum!

Alex and Tiffany with Simon.

After lunch, we went for a short stroll on Irving Street.

We ended up sitting and chatting in Starbucks on Irving.

We all had a long day so by evening time, Simon and I were exhausted so we took a little nap together.

Simon says, “Thank you Auntie Vicki for my Juicy Couture blanket!”

My parents came to visit late in the evening and they were making Simon smile. He looks really goofy here.

After my parents left, we went to change Simon’s diaper and his poop had leaked all over his leg so we decided to give him a bath. We used a bottle of Mustela baby shampoo/body wash that my co-workers gave me and it smells wonderful. I love clean baby smell and freshly cleansed soft skin and hair. We dressed him up in a Spiderman onesie (I bought from Old Navy because I knew Ron would like it).

He still hates bathing since I think he really just hates being naked but I guess we’ll just have to keep at it.

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