2 Month Well Baby Visit

Thursday, July 11, 2013

On Wednesday, Iris had a checkup with her doctor. She is 12 lbs 12.6 oz and 24.25 in long! Wow, can’t believe she is growing so fast.


She was a trooper getting her next set of shots. Unfortunately, we had a long wait for the injection clinic since they opened late so she fell asleep then had a bit of a rude awakening. She only cried for a short while and fell asleep after nursing.


Simon had a camp field trip to the Lindsay Wildlife Museum which is next to Larkey Park. We had a picnic after his camp which Simon was super excited about.

Iris wasn’t as happy since she didnt finish her nap but seemed to enjoy the breeze while our nanny Annie held her.

Simon’s swim lesson was held in the lap pool because the baby pool was closed. At first, I was afraid Simon would not go in because he had to hang on the wall the whole time and not bounce and splash but he did great and didn’t complain at all and had a good lesson. Here he is practicing front float and kicking.


Today, Iris and I went to visit Grandma Tam for lunch. She did great on the car ride, no fussing, just alert and looking around as we drove. By the time we finished lunch, Iris was tired and wanted to nap. I tried putting her to sleep in her car seat but she woke up after 10 minutes so grandma was resourceful and had Iris on her lap with her little head leaning on the sofa arm.

Simon saw his wooden tools in the garage and really wanted to “build”. He had to wait until after dinner and was really excited about it.

Our sweet little girl having tummy time.

She was able to hold her head up for almost 10 seconds like this. I was clicking away on my camera and encouraging her so she was smiling back and cooing. I love her little smiles.

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