Wide Awake at 3am

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

This was Iris at 3am this morning on the monitor. Bright eyed and bushy tailed, talking up a storm to get my attention.

She stayed up for an hour so I stayed up with her or else she would have woken up Simon with her crying. I wonder if she is really still overstimulated from the weekend? We spent quite a bit of time outdoors and with people she had never met.

On Saturday, we visited the Lees for a BBQ in their backyard. Iris got dressed up for the day.

The kiddos both fell asleep on the car ride there.

It was a beautiful day to spend outside with friends.

The next morning I woke up to this beautiful smile.

Simon had a lunch and play date with our previous neighbor’s son. They played together just like old times.


Monday, Iris’ lucky day, she had the pleasure of napping on this fluffy dog mat that my coworker had given to Simon. I wish they had this in adult size! It really is comfy.

It was a beautiful day for swimming lessons.

Close-up of Iris’ double eyelids.

Today Iris toughed out multiple bottle feedings. She always fights the first time you try to feed her. She will drink about 15ml (0.5oz), crying all the while, then fall asleep. Wake up about 30 minutes later, cry but drink another 15ml, then fall asleep again. But when she woke up again, she drank 60ml (2oz) without a fuss and went back to sleep for more than an hour. When she woke up again, she drank 75ml (2.5oz) without a fuss. So slowly but surely, she is getting the hang of it although not particularly happy about it.

Simon needs a haircut…

I baked today… Sort of. I put all the ingredients for banana bread into my bread maker that did all the mixing and cooking for me. The banana walnut bread smelled delicious but turned out a bit dense. I think it will taste better toasted tomorrow morning.


I think the bottle feedings have been tough on Iris (so also hard for me at night). She has not been sleeping more than 4 hours at a time at night. She drinks less milk during the day from the bottle so seems like she has been waking up to catch up at night. I’ve been catching up on sleep every few days with afternoon naps. I can handle the lack of sleep but I hope she’s getting enough nutrition.

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