Borders and enjoying a good book

Well last night I got some disappointing news that my application for pre-registration with the Singapore Board of Pharmacy was not accepted. Their requirements have changed within the last month where originals of all documents must be certified by the staff at the board or by your future pharmacy manager. Plus they require original certificates like your diploma and pharmacist wall license. Plus transcripts must be submitted directly from the school and letters with specific terminology must be submitted directly from the foreign board of pharmacy and from the school of pharmacy. It’s all very specific so I took quite a bit of the morning taking care of requesting additional paperwork from California. It was a bit discouraging but I know things eventually work themselves out with a little hard work. My future preceptor said things are becoming more strict because of recent reports of people faking their credentials. I found a forum focused on this topic in one of our local papers, The Straits Times. So I can understand their concern.

I went to the Borders bookstore in the afternoon. I needed to get something more interesting to read. I miss having books at my fingertips. If you’ve seen my bookcase full of books at home, you’d know what I mean. I ended up getting a really good deal on two books as they were having a sale, 70% off red-marked books.

I bought:
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Castro’s Dream by Lucy Wadham
Guidebook for Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia

I started reading Jane Eyre on the MRT home and got really into it. I continued reading it by the pool at our apt complex but had to stop in order to make dinner: wheat pasta with sausage carbonara.

After a dinner of pasta, I fell asleep but had to wake up at midnight in order to call the CA BOP. This 15-hr time difference is killer…

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