Cancer Centre Pharmacists Dinner Discussion at Canele

Our Cancer Centre Pharmacists are starting these discussions at least once a month to talk about updates in the pharmacy world. Tonight’s discussion was about the IDSA Guidelines for treatment of invasive aspergillosis.

IDSA = Infectious Diseases Society of America

We thought it a good idea to go have a nice dinner and have our discussion. We went to Canele at Paragon for yummy crepes and desserts while Peai Tean showed us some slides and presented the information. We had a lively discussion and also some great dessert.

Raspberry, Hazelnut, and Pistachio Macaroons

Chocolate-something cake

Roasted chicken crepe with fig

Chocolate hazelnut cake with gold leaf

Peai Tean showing us fungal pneumonia on a chest x-ray.

It was a good informational session and discussion and we hope to do it more often. I volunteered to talk about antiemetic use for chemotherapy and methotrexate pharmacokinetics. I am lucky to have learned all this while working at UCSF so I’m glad to be able to share with my new colleagues.

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