Check out my dimples!

Day 204

Check out my blue dimples! This is what happens when daddy gets bored at home with me.

One of Simon’s favorite toys is this yellow plastic bucket. We call it a “can” to make it a simpler word. It’s actually part of a shape sorter so there are plastic pieces that go inside. But whenever we give it to him full of toys, he will overturn it right away and try to dump everything out.

Simon also has a toy computer that we just opened. He received this as a gift from our friends in Singapore. We decided to open it because he was really interested in our laptops and always trying to move toward the screen and try to bang on the keys. We’ll see how long he stays interested in this toy. It teaches the alphabet, numbers, words, and melodies.

We had dinner out tonight for the Harvest Moon at Capital Restaurant. The special dish of the evening were these giant clams.

Close-up of the sliced clams with the glass noodles.

Simon was bored during our dinner. Maybe he was craving some frog legs instead of the chicken legs we were having.

I was holding Simon tonight while he took a little nap and I had his head covered with a blanket. When I took a peek underneath, Simon was very sweaty!

The beads of sweat and his damp hair. Poor guy easily sweats on his forehead, hands, and feet.

Here is a video from this morning, Simon laughing at daddy making a “chomping” sound. Silly boys.

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