Day at Patsy’s house

Day 215

Simon spent the morning playing with his new piano. Thank you Auntie Zoe for letting us borrow it for Simon.

Simon likes playing with his Super Mario Bros mushroom. Simon’s first picture with this plush is when he was only 26 days old. What a difference six months make.

In the late afternoon, we went to Auntie Patsy’s house to hang out and do some cooking. I made some pumpkin cream cheese stuffed French toast. I found the pumpkin cream cheese at Trader Joe’s yesterday so thought it’d be good for our brunch today. Simon seemed like he wanted to have some of my breakfast.

He let me eat half of it before he got restless and wanted to play.

Our little monkey boy!

Finally nap time. He had a weird morning. He woke up at 4:30am, ate, slept until 8am, napped in the car on the ride over to Patsy’s from 10:30-11am, played, and finally fell asleep at 2pm, woke up after about 30 minutes, soothed him back to sleep, and he only slept another 30 minutes or so before getting up.

Check out that little chin!

When I left Patsy’s house around 5pm, he finally slept again for a while but woke up after I got out of the car. Not sure how it will affect his sleep tonight.

By the time we got home, it was dinnertime for all of us. We let Simon have another attempt at the organic puffs. It’s so cute to watch him try to pick up a piece and put it into his mouth. I realize he really doesn’t like the vegetable puffs… he prefers the banana. I hope this doesn’t reflect his future eating habits.

This time he was actually able to eat a few by making them soft enough to mash and swallow.

A good weekend.

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