End of Week #1 of Maternity Leave

Sunday, April 28, 2013

It’s the end of week #1 of my maternity leave and I am tired of doing laundry.  I think I have washed and folded at least 8-10 loads of laundry.  I lost count after the 5th one.  However, I would say this has been a productive week.

My last day of work was Friday, April 19th which I took the afternoon off and the weekend to rest.

On Saturday, I attended a wonderful luncheon at Bloomingdales with my friend Vicki and had a nice afternoon shopping in the city.

We also went out for dinner to celebrate Tiffany’s birthday and had an after dinner ice cream treat at San Francisco Creamery in WC. This is a junior size! Simon really loves his chocolate.

On Sunday, Simon and I had all day together, mostly spent at Tilden Park. First feeding the animals at the Little Farm, then a picnic, and finally a train ride.

On Monday, I cleaned up my side of our fourth bedroom, the office, so that Ron could move the elliptical machine and television out of the baby’s room.  On Tuesday, I started with removing all the tags from all the gifts of clothes and blankets for baby girl and started the loads of laundry.  I think I washed 3 loads that day.  On Wednesday, I had a 37 week ultrasound to get a weight estimate for baby girl so I would know what to expect if I am able to give birth naturally.  On Thursday, I found out from my doctor that the baby is estimated at 3000 grams (about 6 lbs 10 oz) and in the 30th percentile so she is a good size with my gestational diabetes being better controlled this time around.  We finally had our tour of the maternity ward and it seems pretty comfortable.  I hope that we have better luck this time and actually get in at the hospital we want rather than be diverted like we were with Simon.  Keeping my fingers crossed.  On Friday, we completed our baby registry items at BuyBuy Baby and I even managed to sneak in a much needed pedicure with my friend Tiff before dinnertime.  I lost the ability to trim my own toenails more than a month ago so it was a nice way to get pampered especially as my ankles and feet are getting swollen.

Throughout the week, I have stocked the baby’s drawers with clothes, washed and folded all the blankets, washed all my nursing clothes, set up the hospital grade pump, sorted out Simon’s baby clothes that were still gender appropriate, got some new furniture for the baby (hampers and bookshelf), had Ron set up the pack’n’play, unwrap the three diaper cakes worth of diapers (!), attend twice weekly NSTs (non-stress tests), watch Simon participate at his soccer and swim classes, wash/fold all of our own laundry, and try to get some rest.  It’s been a busy week but still always more to do.

Monday soccer class at Heather Farms Park.

Swimming classes.

Simon cooking me play pasta.

Low carb chocolate chip muffins. Bob’s Red Mill mixes are the best!

Taking an evening stroll on our street. Simon’s new “serious” look or he calls it “no face” (when he’s not in the mood for smiling).

My pedicure with swollen feet.

After a busy week of working, it was time for some fun this weekend. On Saturday, we attended a birthday party at Pixieland in Concord for the little boy who used to live next door to us. He was Simon’s buddy last summer so he was a bit sad when they moved away and was super excited to go to his party. Simon was a bit adventurous this time around and rode the dragon roller coaster. He looks a bit scared here but was screaming with excitement during the ride.

My twinkle twinkle little star.

On Sunday, we attended Elyse’s Red Egg and Ginger Party at Dynasty Restaurant in Cupertino. We had our wedding banquet here almost 9 years ago and this was our first time eating here since then. It was good to catch up with old friends and see beautiful Elyse. I can only hope our baby girl is as well behaved as Elyse.

Goals for the next week:

1. Pack hospital bag for me and the baby

2. Wash bottles and nipples

3. Decorate the room a bit more, maybe some wall decals?

4. Finish scrapbooking pictures and cards from baby girl’s baby shower

5. Send out remaining thank you cards

6. Get a little bit more rest


A little rusty on writing on our blog but going to try to keep it up like I did with Simon.

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