Ghirardelli Square

Day 125

I had the day off today for Independence Day but just really felt like staying at home.  Until the afternoon when I was craving for some ice cream so we decided to go to Ghirardelli Square to have a sundae.  Probably not the best idea since it was super crowded with all the tourists but it’s been a while since we’ve gone there so thought it’d be fun.

After walking around, we saw four places where they serve ice cream now so if there is a long line at one, your best bet is to find one of the smaller to-go places to get your ice cream and chocolate fix.  Only the larger location at the entrance to the square has servers, the rest are more like take-out but there are plenty of places to sit and enjoy your ice cream.

We waited in line upstairs and let Simon entertain himself with Froggie, the frog rattle.


We think he was a bit cold since it was windy and foggy out so he was a bit cranky.  I had the Gold Rush Sundae which has peanut butter, yum!


After satisfying our ice cream craving, we headed home to get warm and Simon got all happy.  He’s a silly boy.


I held Simon while he took a little nap.  He’s grown so much!


But still comfortable to have him fall asleep on my shoulder…

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