Happy 1-month old birthday!

Day 31

I can’t believe Simon is already 1-month old! He’s growing up so fast. I almost wish he would stop so that I can have more time to enjoy this time in his life. Although I am looking forward to him interacting more with us and other milestones like talking, walking, etcetera.

But he is growing up fast… this shirt is almost too small for him because of his growing belly and fattening arms. The shirt keeps on riding up his chest and back like a crop top.

We had a relatively quiet day as Simon spent a lot of the day catching some Zzz’s. He has a peculiar habit of “peeking” while falling asleep.

I think to check to make sure we’re still around before falling into a deep sleep.

One of my favorite Simon positions is when he burrows his face into my neck and falls asleep.

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