Happy Halloween

Friday, October 31, 2014

So today I dressed as a cat, wearing my Hello Kitty ears, made a paper mask with whiskers, an all black outfit, and a black tail made of ribbon. Iris saw me with the tail and she kept on pulling on it and pointing to her backside, indicating that she wanted one too. So I quickly found a belt that looped it around her body and turned it to her back. She was quite entertained by her “tail” and swinging it side to side.



In the afternoon, Simon’s school had arranged for a Halloween walk. Basically a walk around the block in costume to collect a few treats before the end of that day of school. It was pouring rain in the morning but we were super lucky that it stopped right before the walk so we could actually go outside. They had an indoor plan as well but I’m glad the kids got to go outside. Simon dressed as a fireman and Iris as a fairy princess. Iris enjoyed watching the other kids and exploring the classroom. Simon was excited for some trick or treating.

There were three stops planned by the teachers for the walk at each corner around the block. They passed out Halloween cookies they made yesterday, a little stationary set, and a snack pack. Iris wanted to walk by herself and was so happy to collect one snack pack for herself. She patiently waited until we got back to the car to eat the rice crackers even though she immediately asked me to open it (she says “kai” for “da kai”).

Afterwards, we went to Oakland’s Temescal business district to walk their trick or treat event. But first we stopped by to see Grandpa Tam who was covering for me so that I could enjoy trick or treating with the kids. Simon changed into this other costume, Bumblebee from Transformers.

The princess wore her crown for a minute. Poor little girl was already a little tired and actually so was Simon.

Both perked up though as we went to trick or treat. Especially with their chocolate chip cookies from Pizzaiolo.

There was one vendor that had something healthy, raisins, which Iris loved. Trying to avoid giving too many sweets to Iris for now. Simon loved checking out the candy baskets though but we’ll have to wean out the peanut containing ones later on.

After we finished the walk, we headed back up Telegraph Ave to have dinner at Lane Splitters pizza.


Both kiddos fell fast asleep on the car ride home. Our exhausted little Transformer.

Hope everyone had a safe and happy Halloween!

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