
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Iris cried in her sleep yesterday but after a good night’s rest, she started to smile in her sleep this morning.


Big brother Simon and Daddy saying good morning.


Iris had her 2 week checkup this morning and has gained 8 oz. We are thankful that we don’t need to worry about her gaining weight. Her next checkup will be when she is two months old and will need vaccinations at that time.

Late afternoon nap on the sofa next to mommy.


Today I had a break from my confinement diet and had a sandwich from Ike’s in Walnut Creek. Pretty delicious. The Dutch crunch bread was the best. Maybe a little too much sauce for me as it was a bit messy to eat.



Since it’s better for my health to take the confinement diet, my carbohydrate wish list has mostly been put on hold until the month is over. But while in the hospital, my SIL brought me some goodies that I can check off the list: Beard Papa strawberry filled cream puffs, Nacho Cheese Doritos, Snickers, and Oreos. All were yummy. She also brought me a passion fruit macaron from La Boulange for Mother’s Day. (Thank you BL!) One of my hospital meals included a bagel but that one might warrant a do-over since it was not that yummy. So far at home I’ve also had sashimi and now an Ike’s sandwich! So far, completed #3, 6, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20 and 21. Eight out of 25 isn’t too shabby. Most of the rest will have to wait until at least after confinement or until I complete my 2 hour glucose tolerance test in 4 weeks.

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