Iris, Happy 1 Month!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Today Iris is one month old! Wow, how time flies! Iris and I did not go out today but I did get to eat pho, drank a latte (decaf first so as not to possibly affect milk production), and had Krispy Kreme (not pictured). Yesterday was our last day of confinement so no more restrictions on going out (except avoid sick people and large crowds) and I can eat mostly whatever I want (excluding turnips and celery). It’s not a good idea to go too crazy on the carbs though since I have to do a 2 hour glucose tolerance test in a few weeks to make sure that I don’t still have glucose intolerance. Adding back one to two types of carbohydrate rich food item per day shouldn’t be bad I hope.

Simon had a dental checkup this morning with Auntie Tiffany, aka Dr. Tiffany, at Contra Costa Dentistry. He was due for his six month checkup and cleaning. He did a really good job with no fussing or crying. Just had a little plaque buildup which mommy and daddy have to do a better job with helping him to brush. He got a token for their treasure tower and was the first patient to use it. He was so happy! If you need a family dentist in to Concord, CA area, check them out! They see adults too! I have my check-up next month 🙂

I forgot to mention, last night was pretty amazing, Iris slept almost 6 hours straight! She slept about 5 hours and 45 minutes before waking up to have milk. I know they say that newborns should eat every 3-4 hours and you should wake them if they don’t but I think Iris is “big” enough not to have to be woken up in the middle of the night. I’m pretty sure she won’t repeat it tonight though as she has been feeding every 3 hours pretty consistently all day.
Happy 1-month Iris! We love you!

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