Iris, Happy 5 Months!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Endless cleaning. That’s what it feels like these days.

Saturday, October 12:
I think we were all tired today after a week living in boxes.

But we had a lunch date with our Walnut Creek neighbors so headed out there to meet them and also clean up whatever remained inside our home. Unfortunately, Simon seemed to have a fever and he complained of a headache so he had a long nap on our neighbor’s sofa.

Poor guy wasn’t his normal energetic self. He was a little better after a dose of ibuprofen. At least when we got back to Berkeley, he wanted to play rather than continue sleeping.

Iris was unaffected and I hope she stays well.


Sunday, October 13:

Today is Iris’ 5 month birthday!

We had a celebration luncheon today with the Chungs for Henry, William, Ron, and myself (and Iris). Our birthdays are all within 20 days of each other so we just combined our celebration. We had brunch at a place called Next Door in Berkeley where they serve comfort food. Overall the food was pretty good, service pretty slow but friendly, and a beautiful space to hang out. Probably would be better for smaller groups and looks like they have a cool happy hour.

Simon was feeling all better and happy again.

Iris was sleepy though but thankfully not fussy. She even let everyone hold her today without fuss. Here she is with Uncle William.

For dessert, we had a delicious (I thought) passion fruit lime Bavarian from Tartine. Betty and Henry ventured out to the city to wait in a long, cold line to pick up my craving. I’ve been wanting to try it for a while and I thought it was lovely. Most everyone did not like the shaved coconut on top but I think it gave it good texture. Thank you Betty and Henry for bringing it!


In the midst of our mess, I didn’t get a great picture for this month but this will have to do. Iris, happy 5 months!


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