Thursday, February 13, 2014
Simon’s lunch of clementines, carrots, and butter pasta with mini sausages.
Simon really likes his sofa fortress. Iris wanted to join in the fun today.
But Simon likes to hide inside by himself.
We received a bunch of boxes this afternoon and Iris was really curious to explore what they were. I opened one box and there were still packing peanuts inside and she really wanted to look inside. Caught in the act!
I can hardly believe that Iris is already 9 months old!
She wouldn’t sit still for a picture and was curious about her little sign.
She wanted to rip off the circle.
Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day so I helped Simon prepare his treats for his friends at school. At first, we used stickers to spell out his classmates’ names but he got tired of that so I wrote all their names and he cut them out and taped them onto the treat packs. Iris was curious as to what we were doing so climbed up to stand against the table next to us.
Our kids are growing up so quickly!