Kara’s Cupcakes

I was in the Marina with some friends for The Warehouse Sale, I was able to find some good deals on dresses for $20 each. You really have to be in the mood to dig around and find your size and also the accept some flaws on the dresses like stains or threads. But overall, it was a good shopping day.

Since we were in the area, we stopped by Kara’s Cupcakes since I’ve heard such rave reviews but have never had one myself. They all ended up sounding so yummy that I got five of them.

From top left to right: passion fruit, strawberry cream, meyer lemon
From bottom left to right: banana caramel, peanut butter milk chocolate ganache

I liked them, the filled ones are better. But there really is a lot of frosting on the cupcake, I wanted a bit more cake to go with the frosting. I still ended up eating all the frosting since I didn’t want it to go to waste, for $3.25 each, the frosting is like $1.

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