Day 187
We had another very busy today so I planned ahead to give Simon and late morning meal before his nap. He had some green beans mixed with pear puree and seemed to enjoy it. He’s wondering if there is anymore?
We met up with our friends Will and Phil at Millbrae Pancake House. Will was visiting from LA and Phil brought his son Joshie. I forgot to take photos of them but I did take a picture of my brunch, eggs benedict served with a side of hash browns.
Thanks to Will for treating us to brunch! After we finished eating, we headed over to the Millbrae Art and Wine Festival. We hadn’t realized it was this weekend until we drove by it as we headed to brunch. We just walked around a bit but couldn’t eat anything since we were still stuffed. Then we headed to our next event of the day, a housewarming party in Dublin. We did do a bit of shopping beforehand so stopped by Barnes & Nobles so I picked up Food Inc. since I haven’t read a book in a while and I heard this one was particularly interesting.
Simon was really well behaved for most of the day. He surprisingly didn’t fuss much. He seems to be getting more used to being outside and can fall asleep more easily for his naps.
But tomorrow we’re going to have a relaxing day in the city. I wish we could have more three day weekends, sometimes you need a day off just to recover from the weekend.