Little Tykes Cozy Coupe

Day 349 = February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine’s Day!

During shopping yesterday, my mom bought this Little Tykes Cozy Coupe for Simon’s birthday. It was a bit difficult to assemble so I brought it home last night for Ron to put together. Simon had fun exploring it this morning after breakfast.

He enjoyed me playing peek-a-boo around it with him. He finds it funny when I move from window the window even though I’m not really disappearing or hiding, just that I’m moving around the frame. It is good for playing peek-a-boo with him inside it though since you can cover him with a blanket if he is inside.

Home after daycare and ready to play in it again.

Simon likes to play with the steering wheel and key inside. Here we took out the floorboard but his legs are still a little too short to reach the ground so now we’re keeping the floorboard in so that he’ll stay safely inside and so we can also put toys inside and they’re less likely to end up on the floor.

So this evening, we tried to transition Simon to drink some formula. We used the last supply of frozen breast milk today. We tried the formula before bedtime tonight but he wasn’t very interested in drinking it but part of that could be that I used cold water to make it. We’ll see how he does tomorrow. It’s only a few weeks until Simon turns 1 year old so I’m still pumping so that he’ll have mommy’s milk but I’m just not producing enough to meet his demand. Since he’s been sick a few times in the last few months, he drank a lot more milk during this times as well. A few months ago, I donated some of my extra frozen milk and I guess if I hadn’t done that then we would have enough to last until his first birthday. At the time, I didn’t think we needed so much and it was going to expire so I wanted it to be given to babies who needed it rather than let it go to waste. It’s a great program if you or anyone you know has extra milk, I donated to Mother’s Milk Bank in San Jose and it’s very convenient, they come to you to do all your preliminary blood work and also to pick up the milk you want to donate or they’ll send you a shipping box. I hope some babies were able to benefit from it. I know I’m lucky to have such a healthy, happy baby.

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