Losing a day…

Note: I am post-dating these entries to make it more chronological. I apologize for any strange mistakes that I might make.

We took United Airlines and our flight was at 11AM. We decided to stay at Ron’s parents’ house in Millbrae so we wouldn’t be late for our flight. We arrived at the airport early enough but there was a huge line at the UA counter so we went around to the other UA counter where it was marked Express check-in since I had checked in online. Once at the counter, they weighed our 4 pieces of luggage… very embarassingly, three were overweight! We had an extra empty luggage tucked away inside another bag so we shifted stuff over, we had to do some shifting three times. So we ended up paying for one extra piece of luggage ($109) plus two overweight bags ($50 each piece over 50 lbs). Not a great way to start out our trip, spending money already…

The flight itself was uneventful. I finally finished reading Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I was so into it that couldn’t put it down. Afterwards, I fell asleep until we reached Hong Kong.

We arrived in Hong Kong on Monday 8/20 around 3:30PM. We took advantage of the free wi-fi in the airport terminal to catch up on emails. Our flight was at 7PM. We finally arrived in SG around 11:30PM but after immigration and baggage collection, we didn’t really get out of the airport until 12:30AM. Ron’s dad’s friend came to pick us up at the airport and dropped us off a the INSEAD Residence. We didn’t get to bed until almost 2AM. It was already Tuesday 8/21.

One day lost in the air but oh well, at least 10 months on land 🙂

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