Making funny faces

Day 315 = January 11, 2011

The first funny face is Simon eating a whole wheat bagel. These are from Trader Joe’s and I can now give Simon a small piece to hold in his hand and he gnaws on it with his front teeth.

Dressed and ready to go to daycare… except that he wants to play with the remote control first.

Arriving home, we received a package which is for Simon. He wants to play with the box.

But then he gets distracted by the foam mats. He likes to pull off the edges and likes the chew on them. Daddy is trying to teach him “no”.

I went to Daiso (the Japanese store where most things are $1.50) and picked up a basket to use as a diaper caddy. We no longer use the changing table on the pack and play since he moves around so much so we change him on the ground but need something to put the supplies in. But first I let Simon test drive the basket.

For only $1.50, it works perfect for wipes and diapers.

I bought some other baskets too for his toys and he really wanted to play with them.

Simon must be teething again because he really wants to chew on everything, including his thumb.

He also seems to like this toy that has rubbery hands and feet. We got this as a gift when he was only a few months old and he didn’t use it for anything but now it seems to relieve itchy gums.

Simon’s next funny face is sticking out his tongue! Or at least playing with his tongue on his lower teeth. We wonder if he picked his up from some other kids.

Nyah-nyah, nyah-nyah!

You can watch him in action and also listen to his new sounds… sounds like ba-ba or va-va.

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