Maui Winery

We had a late start to the day so we only made it to one stop today. We spent the morning planning Ron’s scuba trips and snorkeling for me. Should be more interesting if we get some good pictures while out on the ocean.

Back to today, we stopped at Maui’s Winery, aka Tedeschi Vineyards. It’s quite a drive from our resort and at first we thought we went the wrong way. But if you follow their directions, just keep going, even though Highway 37 becomes Route 31, you’ll reach the tasting room of the winery eventually, just be patient…

They offer free tours but only at 10:30am, 1pm, and 3pm. We just missed the 3pm tour so went directly to the tasting room instead. They offer each person 4 tastings or 6 tastings per couple for free. They have grape wines, pineapple wines, and raspberry wines. They have sparkling and still.

In the Bay Area, they sell the Maui Blanc (pineapple wine), Maui Splash! (pineapple and passion fruit wine), Maui Sparkling (pineapple wine with a bit of fizz) at Cost Plus and/or BevMo! At the winery they also have a blush, reds, another sparkling, and a raspberry wine. They weren’t serving all of their selection today but it didn’t matter, I fell in love with the raspberry wine. You could just pour it over ice cream by itself or it’d go really well with a bar of dark chocolate or a chocolate lava cake! Makes your mouth water? We bought a few bottles to bring home, so invite yourself over to have a taste test 🙂

As we were leaving the tasting room, there was a beautiful cat sitting outside.

He or she didn’t really want to stay put though and kept on wandering away from us.

We also walked away with a box of their white chocolates with macadamia nuts and infused with their Maui Blanc Pineapple Wine.

Since we didn’t get to try this red, we bought a bottle to have with the rib eye steaks that we bought to BBQ in the next few days.

Another beautiful sunset in Maui.

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