
So I’m very happy that Maxwell is really starting to adjust back to being with us and sort of getting used to Mochi and Misu. I feel like I’m writing about this a lot but it really is amazing if you know Maxwell. He’s like a cranky old man (he is 9 1/2 already) who doesn’t like his space disturbed and likes to do his own thing…

But he’s gotten back into the habit of sitting on our laps to take his evening nap. After eating a bit and drinking some water, he’ll wander around our couch looking for a lap to hop on and if there’s a blanket on your lap, even better! He reminds me of when he was a kitten and used to do this almost everyday and he’d also sit comfortably in my lap while Ron was driving us somewhere.

Sometimes I have to get up to get a drink of water or something so I lift him up in the blanket and set him back down… do you think I spoil him? He curls up in a little ball sometimes because the light is too bright in his eyes. When he’s sleeping soundly like this, it’s hard to wake him up, you really have to give him a good push or loud call.

I think he feels safer sleeping near us so the other two cats don’t bug him. I’ve seen Misu snooping around looking for Maxwell underneath the couch then suddenly dart underneath and chase Maxwell out. Misu is a secretively mean cat… but he’s also very lovable to us.

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