Mirror Mirror, Habitot, Crab Cove

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Some updates!

Sunday, August 18:
We made a trip to Costco for lunch and grocery shopping. Simon eagerly ate half a hot dog and some frozen yogurt. Iris could only longingly look on.

At checkout, Simon helped Ron to load the conveyor with all our stuff. It’s the first time I’ve seen him insist on helping and not wanting to sit in the shopping cart.

Shopping was too exhausting for Iris so she took a little nap.

She only takes little cat naps so was wide awake for most of the afternoon. Playing on her play mat. Love her smiles.

She is starting to be interested in the mirror. I’m not sure if she recognizes it is her reflection but she seems happy to see herself and me in the mirror.

After dinner napping, holding my hand.


Monday, August 19:
Simon and I took a trip into Berkeley to check out a children’s museum called Habitot. Although not huge, Simon seemed to enjoy himself and got to interact with other kids.

They have a cafe and grocery store area with play food, cash registers, shopping carts, menus, and cooking supplies.

Talking on a banana phone!

There is a water play area with water tables, a water pump and pretend car wash with different Cozy Coupes.



A large wooden fire engine complete with outfits.



A climbing wall.

An art room with a cool wall to paint on plus playdoh and other crafts.


Currently the museum only open 9:30am-12:30pm on weekdays but that’s plenty of time to do all the activities. There’s also a face painting area and train table. It’s a bit expensive at $10 for adults and $8 for kids but plenty fun for little kids. Seems like a lot of nannies with their charges and they mostly have membership and come everyday. We are unlikely to go back but good for a one day excursion.

We had our picnic lunch at some benches near a bus stop. Simon got to see lots of different cars and trucks pass us by. His “chooozzz” face.

We went for some frozen yogurt afterwards.

By the time we got home, he was pooped out and fell asleep easily for his nap.

Silly Simon playing with his afternoon snack of raspberries. He really likes them.

Little Iris stayed home today.



Tuesday, August 20:
Simon and Iris hanging out underneath the stars. Iris really liked Simon’s tent with the constellation sheet.

Our outing today was to Crab Cove Visitor Center in Alameda. I found this activity through the East Bay Parks and Rec called Sea Squirts where they have a themed activity almost every Tuesday. Cost is $5. Today’s theme was the smells of nature.

I think Simon enjoyed screaming with the other kids versus listening to the naturalist. We went outside to explore the herbs and the water. It’s actually a pretty nice place for sand and water play especially on a beautiful day like it was today. The kids smelled seaweed, checked out some sand bugs, and just explored.



Afterward we had our picnic and walk on the trail. The craft project of the day was a paper flower which he is holding in his hand as we walk.


We made a quick stop into Oakland Chinatown to pick up some boba drinks. First we stopped by the Pacific Renaissance Plaza water fountain so Simon could check out the koi fish. He insisted I take a picture of his back.

But still got one of his face, just making his favorite “chooozz” sound.

Yummy Sweetheart Cafe boba drinks! Simon had watermelon and I got avocado. As you can see, Simon loves his drink, he drank half just walking the 2-3 blocks to the car.

Iris always has smiles for me when we get home.

And giggles. My phone ran out of memory hence the abrupt ending.

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