My first lecture at NUS

I had quite the exhausting day today… I stayed up late this whole weekend working on my lecture for the 2nd year pharmacy students. I was a bit stressed but I’m not sure why. Perhaps because it’s been more than 2 years since I’ve given a full length lecture. It was a very busy morning at the Cancer Centre so I didn’t get to leave until 1:30pm although my lecture was at 2pm. So I didn’t have a chance to go have lunch then had to hike about 15 minutes to NUS to meet up with Joyce before heading to the Lecture Theater (LT). After my 1hr 45min lecture, I had to hike back to NUH to go back to work. It was still quite busy so I didn’t get to leave until after 6pm to head to my Chinese class. All the buses to the MRT were full so I didn’t get to the MRT until after 6:30pm and got to my class exactly at 7:00pm. I had class until 9:30pm then headed home.

What a long day…

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