National Novel Writing Month

This month is National Novel Writing Month. What is it exactly? Well, I think of it as sort of a challenge. It’s a way for people who have always wanted to write a novel but thought they never had time. Starting November 1st, you just start writing and writing and writing… and the goal is to finish a 175 page (50,000 word) novel by November 30th.

I first tried to do this about 3 years ago and didn’t get past 10,000 words… for one, probably my novel idea wasn’t very good and also I procrastinated and didn’t start writing until mid-November.

So going to try it again… going to start writing today… and sorry I won’t tell you my story idea but if it’s any good, maybe one day I’ll post it…

Check out their site and let me know if you’re going to join in so we can push each other to finish!

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