New York Day One

Day 270

Arrival at JFK International Airport.

We were going to take the subway to our hotel but we were all tired so instead took a Super Shuttle. It was only $33 for all of us (2 adults, baby “free”) and ended up being about $40 after tax and tip. A taxi would have been $45 plus tax and toll. The AirTrain and subway would have been $7.25 per person but probably a bit longer. Although our ride also took a while since they had to stop at multiple terminals to pick up people. But we eventually got to where we wanted to go: Wellington Hotel. It was quite the bustling hotel, lots of people checking out this morning so we were able to check-in much earlier than normal. We didn’t get a room with a view or anything but it was clean and ready for us to freshen up and change clothes. They also brought up a baby crib and refrigerator (to store his milk and food) for us at no extra charge.

Simon all bundled up for the New York weather.

We went for some brunch at Ess-a-Bagel, our first real New York bagel. On the way there, we passed by the this piece of art.

Long lines but worth it for the yummy bagel.

Multigrain bagel with lox spread. Look how thick the cream cheese spread is.

Simon enjoyed having some of the bagel.

We were within walking distance of Times Square so went to check out a few of the stores there. Although Simon did sleep through some of them. First stop was Toys R Us.

Then the M&M store. Hello Blue!

Hello Yellow!

Hello Green!

If Simon was going to be one of the M&Ms, he’d be Orange. Check out those furrowed brows.

We also stopped by the Disney Store but then had to get back to our hotel for a nap, to get changed, meet up with Ron’s brother then head to Patrick and Pearlyn’s wedding banquet in Chinatown. Simon’s getting a lot of use out of his tuxedo bib.

He was still really tired though so took a nap during dinner.

It was a beautiful evening for a lovely couple. Lion dancing, wedding games, dancing, and eating. We were so glad to be able to come to celebrate with Patrick and Pearlyn since we missed their Singapore nuptials. Here we are with the cute couple and our friend Shirley.

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