Nine Month Well Baby Visit

Day 274

Our spoils from our vacation. The Muppet Whatnot that we made at the FAO Workshop. Currently he is nameless, can you help us think of an appropriate name? He is wearing a black leather jacket (but clothes are interchangeable, apparently they fit 6-12 month old baby clothes).

We went to Nintendo World and bought Simon this Yoshi plush. We actually wanted to find him another Winnie the Pooh, in case it gets lost, but we haven’t been able to find one the same size. It was a gift so I have no idea where it came from. So we thought we’d try getting Simon attached to this one as well so that we can have a backup.

I finally got to eat my Crepe Cake from Lady M Confections this morning for breakfast. It was in our hotel refrigerator overnight then went with us all around NYC on our last day then in the airplane ride home. Surprisingly it held up pretty well taste-wise, except that it fell over. The crepes were much thinner than when we made it at home and the cream was lighter, more like whipped cream but still tasted like butter cream. We’ll have to try again using all-purpose flour and a different cream…

FAO Schweetz were kind of expensive but had a great collection of different flavor gummy bears (one of my favorite candies): mango, strawberry, apple, blueberry, pineapple, etc.

From Shake Shack, we got a great deal on these onesies. Original price was something like $18 each but one was the older style so was supposed to be only $6. The cashier actually charged us the wrong price on the new style so when we decided to buy the other style, we got the both for $6 each. I think they’re super cute.

Check out the back.

Simon had his 9-month old well baby visit today.

Here he is playing with the house in the waiting room.

Simon likes these blocks on wires toys.

Simon’s official numbers for this visit:

Weight = 21 lbs 3 oz (9.6 kg, 63rd percentile)

Height = 28 inches (71 cm, 43rd percentile)

Head circumference = 18.5 inches (47 cm, 91st percentile)

So he is continuing on the same curves for all measurements. He was a pretty good boy during the visit today. No shots today. His doctor gave us some tips on how to increase Simon’s iron intake, suggesting he can eat chicken nuggets and meatballs. So Ron will be preparing him some homemade meatballs and we’ll have to find some chicken nuggets with no trans fat.

Simon and Daddy playing with his new Whatnot. He seems excited about it so I hope it will be a good way to teach him some things by keeping him engaged.

Simon is getting stronger everyday. He can pull himself up from sitting and keep stable on his car. He used to push the car away from him and not be able to stand up all the way.

Simon officially turns nine months old tomorrow!

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