Oakland Chinatown’s Chinese New Year Festival

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Anyone interested in squeezing some chubby cheeks!?

This morning I spent preparing some baby food and Iris did not want to be set in her jumper or high chair. She enjoyed being “worn” and watching me peel sweet potatoes for the steamer. Tiring for my back though!

Ready for some football!

Iris’ new favorite spot is crawling up the post of her pack and play. She really likes trying to pull herself up.

Around lunchtime we headed out to Oakland Chinatown since they were having their street festival for Chinese New Year. In the plaza they were having a wu shu performance and Simon was very interested to watch.

After the performance, we walked around the festival and Simon visited the small petting zoo they had. He was really excited to feed, brush, and pet the animals. He used to be shy about feeding animals at The Little Farm. Goes to show how much he has matured. Here he is with the alpaca.

We ended up back at the plaza to watch some more martial arts performances while eating popcorn chicken.

Simon says the performances were “awesome”. Iris was just hanging out.

It was a beautiful day out and with a little breeze so these pinwheels were just too enticing so I had to buy one.

I really wish I had bought more and other kinds since they were so pretty. I hope I can still find some around Chinatown.

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