Oakland Zoo, Out with the Girls, Dinner with Family

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Here’s what we’ve been up to the last few days.

Sunday, August 4
We visited the Oakland Zoo in the afternoon. Simon wanted to have a picnic so we just got some food at McDonald’s then had lunch at one of the picnic tables at the zoo. My guys looking so happy.

It was so crowded at the zoo, we parked near the gate and went through the rear entrance near the Children’s Zoo area. Simon started climbing over everything.

Mr. Daredevil even decided to hang upside down on the rope web.

Iris just chilling under the sun.

While Simon played, Iris and I took a stroll. This time with the Ergo, I just used the little pillow and not the whole insert and that was much more comfortable for both of us.

So comfortable that Iris fell asleep.

Simon had so much fun climbing around that he hardly saw any animals. We have membership so can go back anytime so at least he had fun today.

Monday, August 5
Today was a day out with the girls! My friends Vicki and Kathleen came out for brunch and shopping. We had brunch in Dublin at Denica’s. Vicki and I shared the berry crepe and bacon and sweet onion omelette.


Kathleen and her daughter Elyse joined us shortly after. Elyse was so cute in wanting to touch Iris’ hand. Iris didn’t know what to make of her advances.

Brunch was not bad. Everything fresh. Crepe could have been a little thinner, was kind of gummy. Omelette filling was delicious, difficult to go wrong with bacon!

After our brunch, we headed to the Livermore Premium Outlets. It was the first time for all of us. Lots of high end shops but also the usual outlet shops as well. Very clean and lots of seating throughout. Also pretty easy to navigate without weird alleyways or unexpected turns anywhere. I just bought some clothes for Iris for next year but nothing for myself this time around. Tried to show some restraint! Iris did well out and about today, even taking a 2 hour nap in her carseat/stroller. Here she is with Auntie Vicki.

We headed back before rush hour traffic and Simon was happy to take a picture with Auntie Vicki. Especially since she also brought him a bucket of toy dinosaurs.

Iris fell asleep at 7:30 pm. Tired little girl.
Tuesday, August 6
The amazing sleeping baby slept until 4:30am. 9 hours! I didn’t take advantage though and went to bed late. I think excursions from home exhaust Iris.

Tonight’s plans included swimming class and dinner with the family.

It was windy and cold but Simom didn’t seem to mind being in the pool. When out of the pool, he didn’t mind the cold as long as he was wearing his robe.

We had a belated birthday dinner planned for my brother. With the cold weather, I pulled out this sweatshirt for Iris. Auntie Betty gave this to Simon for his first Christmas. I’m glad to be able to use it again.

Simon wore a hoodie too. Go Bears!

Iris with Grandpa and Grandma Tam.

Simon helping Uncle Tim blow out the candle on the cake. Haagen Daz has the best ice cream cakes.

It’s been a busy few days. Looking forward to a lazy next few days before the weekend activities start.

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