Preparing for Santa’s Visit on Christmas

Friday, November 29, 2013

We were reading the newspaper ads this morning and Simon got excited about all the toys. So I suggested that he cut out the pictures of some of the toys that he really, really liked and we could make a wish list and write to Santa. Last year, he was still a little young to understand how to write Santa a letter but he’s really excited to do it this year.


Ron and Simon went to get haircuts today and do a bit of Black Friday shopping. Here is Simon saying bye to me, sporting his new beanie.

Iris and I didn’t travel far from home today and enjoyed each others’ company for the day. She tried some new food combos today. For breakfast, carrots with apples.

I did go grocery shopping to make more variety of baby food for Iris. She’s still getting used to solids so has been having BMs only every 3-4 days so I stewed some prunes/dried plums for her mixed with some apple. She surprisingly liked then but it was super messy.


She also has some zucchini and broccoli to try that I finished making already. I also bought ingredients to make corn, peas, butternut squash, spinach, pears, carrots, and chicken with leeks. She also has fresh mangoes and new avocados to try. It is pretty easy to make baby food but takes up a lot of time. It’s worth it to see her expression when she tries new flavors. I think it’ll be more fun when she moves on to finger foods!

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