Pretty Little Lady in Blue

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Busy busy weekend! I’m exhausted and so is Iris. She’s been knocked out since 6:15pm and it’s 8:55pm right now. I wonder if she will still sleep tonight? Simon, on the other hand, is still full of energy and doesn’t want to go to bed. He has camp and swimming tomorrow though so needs to get some rest.

So what have we been doing all weekend?

On Friday, we went to visit Grandma Tam and went back to Emerald Glen park in Dublin. At first, Simon was excited to go into the water but only played for 2 minutes before wanting to go play in the sandbox. I bought him these dinosaur bone sand molds and he was super excited to piece together a dinosaur.

After we finished, he shouted “Hooray! We made a dinosaur!”

My pretty little lady wasn’t so happy because it was warm out and she wasn’t into drinking cold milk from a bottle. Next time I will need to bring a thermos of hot water when I know we won’t be able to warm milk easily. She was happy to get home.


On Saturday, we had a date with Auntie Betty and Uncle Henry at Build-a-Bear at Hillsdale Mall in San Mateo for Simon’s belated birthday gift. But first, Simon had to get all spiffied up with a haircut. He did great and didn’t cry or fuss one bit! So proud of my little guy.

His reward was a chocolate lollipop.

Then he went to Build-a-Bear for him to make his own plushie. He chose a white cat. He got to press the pedal to fill her with stuffing.

Then “wash” her.

Iris watched on as Simon went to pick an outfit and make the birth certificate. Her name is Kitty Kitty. It was so fun to watch him enjoy himself. I look forward to bringing Iris here one day.

After lunch, we went to hang out at Auntie Betty and Uncle Henry’s place. We overtook their living room for family nap time. Thanks B&H for letting us crash!


Later Grandpa and Grandma Chung came over so we could go out for dinner. Three Mrs. Chungs and one Miss Chung.

Today was more relaxing. I slept in since Iris slept in. She woke up smiling.

She is happiest in the morning I think. She gets frustrated and cranky after we try to use the bottle to feed her. She’s really good about it somedays but today was not one of those days… But she’s so cute that I’m not upset or frustrated with her for long.

Simon had a few good days without too many tantrums but I knew it couldn’t last. He got really upset after waking up from his nap. We had gone to brunch at a friends’ house where he played with two other little boys. I think he may have been stressed out by that and woke up a bit off kilter. He also needed to pee really badly and ended up peeing in his pants a little bit which probably made him even more upset. He just needed some time to calm down quietly in his room then he was back to his normal self. Love this little dude.

Iris is still sleeping… 9:40pm. They say never to wake a sleeping baby so I will just have to wait and see.


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