What’s Up?

Monday, July 22, 2013

So our little sleeping beauty woke up at 11:15pm requesting a diaper change. Five hours of sleep was pretty good for her. After a change and nursing, she slept another five hours. Good for me!

Iris had a good night’s sleep and had energy for tummy time.

Poor little girl seemed to have some tummy trouble today as her poop went from light brown to yellow to green then back to yellow and a bit more watery than normal. Must have been something I ate in the last day or two that didn’t agree with her. She also had three outfit changes due to poop and pee. I hope whatever it is will pass soon.

My little guy’s cool shirt. It is made by David and Goliath which makes cute tees. I saw this and I knew Simon would like it because he loves giraffes and turtles. The turtle says “What’s up?” to the giraffe. Simon doesn’t look thrilled in this picture but he does really like the shirt.

Post-swim class tonight wearing his bear robe. It was overcast today so a bit cold. Tomorrow it’s supposed to rain! They will cancel swim class if there is lightning… Now that would be frightening!


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