Raise your hands in the air… and wave em like you just don’t care!

Day 266

Simon sometimes like the silliest “toys”. Lately it has been the cap for his bottle. He likes to gnaw on it and also try to blow air and/or talk (like a megaphone maybe?).

But we do get him some “fancier” toys once in a while. I found this spinner toy at Ross. He seemed to be intrigued by it while we were shopping at it was only $7 so I got it for him. Ross is a great place for inexpensive baby clothes and toys. Most things seem to be 50% off regular price. I know the store is usually a big mess but at least the baby section is usually pretty small so there isn’t that much to dig through. It’s also a great place to buy those foam playmats that we’ve been using. I wish I had known earlier since they are cheaper at Ross than they were at BabiesRUs.

During dinnertime, Simon randomly started to raise his arms in the air. He first started with both arms straight up then did one arm like raising his hand for a question. He was so cute that it was hard not to laugh at him. But I didn’t want to laugh at him in case it would discourage him. He is very wobbly with both arms up. I can’t imagine when he tries this while standing, he would just fall over.

It’s so fun to watch him in motion!

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