Return to Blogging

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

So I took a long break from blogging.

Things got busy then I got overwhelmed thinking about having to update the previous missed days.

So I decided to just start from at least today and will work my way backwards.

Short update since my last post in May:

Iris is 1+, she started walking a few weeks ago, she chatters a lot and can says a few words (baba, dada, gege, nana, etc), and she’s just been a lot of fun.

Simon finished his first year of preschool, he’s continued his swim lessons, he enjoys drawing now and creating with LEGOS, and has started a new preschool for the summer.

As a family, we had our big summer trip already. We drove to Anaheim and went to California Adventures and Simon was tall enough to ride the Radiator Springs ride. Yay! Then we flew out of LAX to Taiwan on the Eva Air Hello Kitty plane. Yay! We were in Taiwan for about 2 1/2 weeks visiting Ron’s family and attending our friends’ wedding. So now we are home and back to school and work.

I’ve still been taking pictures of the kids each day so I’ll continue posting those plus pictures of food of course!

First item of the day, I’m still making lunches for Simon everyday. Today’s lunch are pizza rolls with cucumbers, cantaloupe, apple pear (from grandpa Chung’s backyard), and some pretzels.


Iris loves eating, especially stuffing her face full then spitting everything out 🙁 but she continues to melt our hearts so it’s hard to scold her to stop.



Simon has had difficult mornings adjusting to his new school and new classmates but today was the best day, no crying or teary eyes! Although he’s moved on to LEGOS, he still likes playing with DUPLOS with Iris. He built a crane plane.


I am experimenting with using my iPhone 4S for daily blogging and pictures. My Nokia Lumia has been a bit disappointing in the quality of the photos of the kids, the response time is too slow to capture them, and the user interface for the WordPress app is not friendly. I was still logging on my computer to edit before posting. As for our regular camera, the new Canon that Ron got for me for Christmas is stuck on AUTO mode so is not very useful in certain situations. So I’ve been using Simon’s NIKON which has poorly functioning AUTO settings, slow response time, and just not that easy to use options. I’m waiting on a new battery charger for my previous Canon camera to see if it can still start up. I thought it was broken but maybe it’s just out if batteries but I haven’t been able to find the charger since our move. If that doesn’t work out then we will need to invest in another camera to use for “special” occasions. *sigh*

So pictures may be blurry for a bit as I get used to the updated iOS for iPhone.

I sign off for now with Iris’ outfit of the day.


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