School Activities

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Good morning Iris!


Today Simon helped me a bit to make his lunch. I spread the rice on the nori and he spooned on the “rousong” (肉鬆) then I added the carrots. We used a bamboo mat to roll the sushi then I cut it up in large and small rolls. His lunch was completed with Bosc pears and clementines.


The unit of inquiry that’s currently going on at Simon’s school is based on “play” so they’ve been learning different games. They displayed this game they played recently. They sang a song and made these pictures.


They also had a “toy show” or “show and tell” where each student brought a toy to show everyone how to play with it. Originally Simon brought his Ziggy but decided instead to show them how to play with a paper airplane. This picture was displayed on the wall.


We had Hello Kitty pineapple cake as a treat today from co-workers who just visited Taiwan. So cute and yummy!




Simon loves his tank tops. Maybe it’s too warm in the house?

Iris’ cheeks are red… maybe it’s too warm in the house…

I just upgraded to a new phone (Nokia Lumia 1520) so still experimenting with the camera and WordPress app so it’s taking me a while to post since I’m still trying to get used to it all so please bear with me!

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