Simon Claus starting his deliveries

Day 296 = December 23, 2010

During the day, Simon is an aspiring keyboard player. He’s almost ready to take his show on the road.

He’s showing off his athletic skills a bit by being able to stand while holding a pretty flimsy support (a cardboard box flap) and also, crawling around and easily getting into the standing position.

By night, Simon transforms into Simon Claus for the holiday season.

After another busy day at work, I was glad that we didn’t have to go home and cook dinner. Our friends Tiffany and Alex came up from Southern California to celebrate the holidays with their family and friends so we met up for dinner at a little French Bistro called Chou Chou. We had mussels and frites for an appetizer. Delicious broth and mussels but the fries weren’t necessary, dipping bread in broth was a lot tastier.

Ron had the duck confit. The white beans were almost the best part about the dish. The duck was a smaller portion which was probably good because the appetizer mussels were pretty big.

I had the salmon which is steamed in paper. I got the salmon thinking Simon would want to eat some but he wasn’t all too interested.

The restaurant was kind of noisy and it was getting late so Simon was kind of tired. He wanted his bottle of milk and to go to sleep. He already did his duty of passing our gifts to Tiffany and Alex 😛

Underneath my salmon was also purple potatoes, yum-my!

Simon eventually fell asleep while being rocked in his car seat. It was a good dinner with good company.

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